Celebrating the sucess of Longridge Olives


Longridge has been winning awards for its oil since it started entering competitions. Early on, we knew we were onto something. That success only grew as we started entering our agrumato lemon and orange oils which have performed incredibly well. We’re very proud as a family of what we have achieved. 

See the full list of awards below.

2022Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBEST FLAVOURED OIL OF SHOWLemon Agrumato
2022Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDLemon Agrumato
2021Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBEST FLAVOURED OIL OF SHOWLemon Agrumato
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsBEST OF SHOWLemon Agrumato
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsBRONZELongridge Barnea
2021Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBRONZEFamily Blend
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsGOLDLemon Agrumato
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsGOLDOrange Agrumato
2021Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDLemon Agrumato
2021Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDOrange Agrumato
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Koroneiki
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongride Arbequina
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERFamily Blend
2021Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERFamily Blend
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBEST FLAVOURED OIL OF SHOWBlood Orange Agrumato
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBRONZEFamily Blend
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDBlood Orange Agrumato
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDLemon Agrumato
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsRESERVE CHAMPION (non-packaged)LRO Blend (Provenance)
2020Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsSILVERFamily Blend
2019Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2018Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBEST FLAVOURED OIL OF SHOWLemon Agrumato
2018Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsBRONZELRO Medieum Blend
2018Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsGOLDLemon Agrumato
2018Olive Japan International Olive Oil CompSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2018Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsSILVERLRO Mild Blend
2018Royal Adelaide Olive AwardsSILVERLRO Mild Blend (Provenance)
2017Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2016Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2016Olive Japan International Olive Oil CompSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2015Aust. International Olive AwardsBest of State (SA)Longridge Chefs Blend
2015Aust. International Olive AwardsBRONZELongridge Chefs Blend
2015Olive Japan International Olive Oil CompGOLDLongridge Chefs Blend
2015Aust. International Olive AwardsRESERVE CHAMPION (non-packaged)Longridge Chefs Blend
2014Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2013Aust. International Olive AwardsBRONZELongridge Chefs Blend
2012Olive Japan International Olive Oil CompGOLDLongridge Chefs Blend
2011BEST OIL OF SHOW SABOSLongridge Chefs Blend
2011Olives South AustraliaGOLDLongridge Chefs Blend
2011Aust. International Olive AwardsSILVERLongridge Chefs Blend
2010Limestone Coast Olive Growers Assoc.Peoples Choice AwardLongridge Chefs Blend
2009Limestone Coast Olive Growers Assoc.Peoples Choice AwardLongridge Chefs Blend


Lisa Rowntree
+61 407 736 070

Postal Address

PO BOX 948,